More who ran and walked today……

May the 4th Be With the Manahi’s. Jethro, Sage and Gabriel all dressed up ready to run.  They prayed –  Dear Lord, please bless our country of New Zealand. Give our government wisdom at this time. Please be with all those with Covid. In Jesus name Amen. 
Max and Taylor McKenzie did the walk today, they managed to choose the wettest part of the day but they enjoyed it!
Luke and Quentin
Luke Houthuyzen and Quentin Morgan practising social distancing in their 3333m run today
An arty shot from the Weavers today on their outing. William completed 2222m and prayde for government & the people of NZ to be able to get their jobs back & for the business to be able to open again. He spent his entry at the local dairy.

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